Laptop power buttons can experience a number of problems that render them dysfunctional. Understanding the nature of the problem is the first step when repairing a broken power button, opening a laptop is often the easiest way to diagnose power button issues, but it requires precision, and alot of care.
Laptop power buttons usually incorporate a large plastic surface that makes it easier for a user to press the button. This prompter rarely connects to any actual electronics, however; it simply sits on top of a smaller tactile switch that enables or disables the power supply.
Mechanical problems come in many forms, and they range in severity. In some cases, laptop power buttons that include soft touch surfaces or thin plastics become deformed by the application of undue pressure. In other instances, the springs inside the button, which should force the button back to the neutral position after it is released by the user, becomes misaligned or overly compressed.
But you don’t need to worry because we are here to help you in all of your Computer related problems. our highly trained staff can help you in replacing the power button of your laptop.
You can reach us at our Dallas location:
2629 N Stemmons FWY # 106
Dallas, Texas 75207