The doctor is in, seven days a week. Same day service (some repaired in four hours), free estimate!
If your laptop is showing the “grey screen of death” don’t worry, we offer the fastest Macbook pro logic board repair in Dallas, Texas!
What You Can Expect From Us:
- Same day service;
- Qualified engineers ready to go the extra mile;
- Instant assessment;
- Fast repair;
- Great customer service;
- A nice cup of coffee!
The Logic board is essentially the brain of the Macbook, without a functioning Logic board the laptop will not work correctly. Apple makes a high quality, long lasting product, but through overuse, overheating or any type of accident the logic board can go bad and make a perfectly good computer essentially useless…until you visit Computer Repair Dallas so we can cure it!
2629 N STemmons Fwy #106
Dallas Texas 75207
Call – 214-920-4907